
100 Family Values

Now that your priorities are in order, it’s time to get to work.  Sit with your spouse with a pen and paper and start talking about what characteristics you want to see in your family. We want you to create 100 family values. Yes, I said 100! That is a lot, but don't worry about it, once you get started, you will have a hard time keeping it at just 100.  Feel free to bring your kids in on this. They offered some great ones when I got stuck around #85.  Some of the ones they mentioned were no-brainers,  but just didn't come to mind. Once you have these, take your list and move on to Creating Your Mission Statement.

Please note, my family desires these.  Listing these in no way insinuates that we have accomplished them. Rather, we want these to to grow in us as well as be planted within the hearts of our children. Having these up in front of us every day will be a reminder of what the goal is. It gives your family something to shoot for. They need to have a vision in front of them so that they will know where to go.

Our 100 Family Values are listed below and not in any certain order.
  1. Intimate relationship with God first
  2. Marriage before all others
  3. Parenting on purpose
  4. Recognizing the unique qualities of each child
  5. Hard work- no free rides
  6. Slow to speak -quick to listen, listen and silent use the same letters
  7. Personal responsibility
  8. Male Chivalry
  9. Marriage = 1 man and 1 woman
  10. Courage
  11. Endurance
  12. Generous
  13. Assisting the persecuted church
  14. Missions support and participation
  15. Persistence
  16. Biblical roles as men and women
  17. Inner beauty first
  18. Respectable appearance
  19. Excellence, not perfection
  20. Debt free
  21. Eternally minded
  22. Siblings before friends
  23. Parent guided education preferably homeschooling
  24. Liberty
  25. Caring for orphans and the elderly
  26. Leadership through servant-hood
  27. Healthy communication
  28. Acknowledging God in all things
  29. Christ like
  30. Family nights
  31. Family unity
  32. Courting over dating
  33. Mentor and be mentored
  34. Reading life giving books
  35. Good citizenship/God’s laws first
  36. Praying family
  37. Interdependence
  38. Fiercely loyal
  39. Defend the Truth
  40. Bible is the final authoritative word
  41. Both baptisms
  42. Financial freedom in order to give and live
  43. Laugh together
  44. Build each other up through our words and actions
  45. Respecting our elders
  46. Teachable
  47. Accountability to one another
  48. Exercise
  49. Grace
  50. Purity
  51. Submissive to godly authority
  52. Controlled temperament
  53. Healthy view of intimacy
  54. Honesty
  55. Integrity before needs
  56. Open worship
  57. Walk humbly
  58. Defend the defenseless
  59. Act justly
  60. Merciful
  61. Repentant
  62. Selfless- “You first”
  63. Respectful
  64. Dignity
  65. Honorable
  66. Self-love
  67. Controlled tongue
  68. Uplifting
  69. Positive
  70. Life-giving
  71. Trustworthy
  72. Bold
  73. Lifestyle of learning
  74. Faith in Jesus Christ
  75. Passing down our vision/mission
  76. Vote in each election
  77. Organization
  78. Punctuality
  79. Likeminded friends
  80. Disciplined lifestyle
  81. Hospitable
  82. Slow to anger
  83. Loving
  84. Kindness
  85. Contentment and joy in all things
  86. Patience
  87. Sympathetic
  88. Goodness
  89. Lighthearted
  90. Not a victim, a victor
  91. Forgiving
  92. Helpful
  93. Non-critical
  94. Always see the best in people
  95. Affirming
  96. Thoughtfulness
  97. Emotionally stable
  98. Functional
  99. Critical thinkers
  100. Faithful

    1 comment:

    1. Can I have permission to translate into Spanish your messages to share with Latino families? Please let me know and I promise to send to you if in the future your website will be bilingual. Thank you! Maria Uceda, Founder of Centros de Vidas Sanas en Familia, Dallas, Texas.


    Wait! Don't leave just yet, I haven't heard from you :)I promise not to make you do a word verification.