
Know Your Why

I am sure you have heard it said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there.”

One of my favorite quotes from my friend, a fellow homeschooler, is “Know your why.” When you don’t know why you are homeschooling, you will often chase that school bus. You will never fully emerge as the teacher you are meant to be because you can get so bogged down with difficulties you encounter in homeschooling. When you find yourself in waters above your head, you can look back at your why and know that you are on the right path and the waters will begin to recede as your sight becomes focused again on your calling as your children’s teacher.

I encourage you to write it down. Not only am I encouraging you on here to have a vision for your family and a mission, but you need one for your homeschooling  as well if you so choose to educate this way. Go HERE to see my journey and my "why".

Why have you chosen to homeschool?


  1. Because I wanted to be with my daughter and have fun with her as well as teach her about the Lord.

  2. AMEN!!!!! :) Glad you are homeschooling and enjoying your blessings! Thanks for commenting.


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