
Scheduling Your School Days

 2010/2011 School Year

Scheduling is one of my favorite parts of the school year. It feels good to see it on paper. I have followed 2 schedules in the past and I am trying a new one this year that already looks so promising!

I have followed the county school schedule and not been happy with it, mainly because 9 weeks completely wears me out and I am not happy with my teaching when I am worn out. My friend recommended I try her schedule of school for 6 weeks and then take 1 week off. I started the year first week of August and found that mostly I could go a full 6 weeks, except Thanksgiving and Christmas threw a wrench in it making for some 3 and 4 week spells and then a long 8 week one in the spring. It was definitely better than the county schedule, but I just hadn't fallen in love with it.

Next, enters a new friend who does it totally different. She starts in July and takes a break  from Thanksgiving all of the way until after the New Year. Then she finishes in May at the same time I was, around the 20th.
I was curious if I could merge the last two ideas and to my delight, I have merged them into a perfect union. We will begin July 5th and continue with 6 weeks on 1 week off,  and perfectly end at the week leading into Thanksgiving. Then we are off all the way until January 3rd. Completing 90 days. When we begin again, we keep the same 6 weeks on 1 week off, taking us right up to May 20th for summer break. Again, this second semester totals 90 days, giving us a total of 180 days. Our State only requires 176 not counting allowable sick days, so we have 4 floater days to work with.

♥I think I am in love!♥

School Begins:
July 5 - August 12 (30 days)
(BREAK Aug 16 - 20)
August 23 - October 1 (30 days)
(BREAK Oct 4 - 8 )
October 11 - Nov 19 (30 days)
(BREAK  Nov 22 - Jan 2)
Jan 3 - Feb 11 (30 days)
(BREAK  Feb 14 -18)
Feb 21 - Apr 1 (30 days)
(BREAK April 4 - 8 )
April 11 - May 20 (30 days)

1 comment:

  1. This is a great schedule! I've been thinking of implementing something along these lines and it's great to see it laid out. Thanks :-)


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