

What's the prime misconception amongst other non-homeschoolers? If you said socialization, you would be correct.  I can see how this method of thinking has transpired because of the subliminal message that public school sends our way.  However, in my experience, it could not be further from the truth.

Now if you live in a town of 50, have no friends, no church family, only one child, no opportunities for sporting events and all of your family lives across the ocean then...you might have a case.  Otherwise, you should be good. Actually, since when should  20 kids from diverse backgrounds all influencing at once make me feel that my child is being properly socialized?  I think I am just less likely to have a child that is peer dependent, which I think is a very valuable protection to have in place.

That being said, there IS a mental and physical need to be with other children. The positive factor is that you choose when and where to "socialize" your children.  A controlled environment is a tool to building healthy kids.

We are around tons of children.  First, there are three others at all times in my home for the other to learn proper behavior in treating others as well as conflict resolution skills. A big plus is I care enough and have the time to work on every rolled eye and issue of the heart that arises.  Secondly, we are soccer lovers.  Usually twice a year, we are smothered in practices and games. Then there is church.  Our church also  happens to have over 80 families in our "small group" alone.  I am very thankful God has granted us such wonderful families to expose our children to.

For those skeptics out there, my kids do get to be exposed to defiant or mean children that have parents who think it is okay for their 12 year old girl to go on dates with 15 year old boys.  This doesn't excite me in the least, but they are indeed learning to heal from mean words, deal with difficult people and learn what it means to forgive.  They are even learning to share their faith.  I rest easy at night knowing my kids are not maimed for life because we homeschool and yours will be just fine too!


  1. Love this post too! So glad I found your site! :)

  2. Thanks Tammy! I am glad you are here :) Thanks for commenting!

  3. Love this! That is the first 'dillema' that people talk about when homeschooling is mentioned. People think kids are missing out if they're not with kids their own age all day, which is strange seeing as how much of a shark tank public school is! There is not enough supervision in their conversations and how children treat each other. Kids need constant correcting, training and love and I don't think they can get all of that at school if 1 teacher is with 30 kids and 4 teachers are with 400 kids at recess (approx. numbers). I did not like school at all for that very reason, I was treated horribly and my mother felt there was nothing she could do because the teachers and principal didn't do anything.

  4. Thanks for commenting! It always saddens me when I hear a mom say, "My daughter is just too much of a social butterfly." It is such a misconception. My kids are too, but they have plenty of outlets to be social and in a way that is mom approved :)


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