MATH- Abeka First Grade Math is my choice. We have also used Math 1: Homeschool Kit (Homeschool Math Grade 1)
GRAMMAR- We use First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind (Vol. Levels 1 & 2). It is a two year volume. We finished the first grade portion early with one child and moved onto second grade and we finished with just a few weeks to spare with my son. This is just a matter of pace. It is very age appropriate and I really like how they have you memorize your parts of speech definitions. It transitions well into the 3rd grade curriculum that I like. Remember, this book is first and second grade in one.
PHONICS- Adventures In Phonics Level B
SPELLING- My favorite is Spelling Workout, Level A (Student Edition)
HISTORY- I use The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child; Volume 1: Ancient Times: From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor
Now, if we are in a different time period, my first grader jumps in with us wherever we are. This can be a challenge as The Ancients is more suited for a first grader. The workbooks are awesome. I love how comprehensive this curriculum is. It is as thorough as you want to make it or as simple as you need it to be.The workbook is called The Story of the World. Activity Book 1: Ancient Times (Revised Edition) (Bk. 1)
WRITING- At this point, writing is coming from Grammar, history, science and memory work. It varies and I make sure they write every day. You have to choose how much based on their level of ability. The main goal for me at this age is legibility. This is where we start perfecting our letters. We did start cursive with Dahalo this year because he was ready for it, but the others have waited. I did not use a formal cursive though, but I will for second grade. At this age, most can copy short sentences and can write simple letters to relatives or friends. Spend about 20 minutes a day writing.
BIBLE- I have used formal Bible curriculum before, but wasn't impressed. Of course, I haven't tried to many. Here is what I like to do. I have several children's bible books around the house and some character building curriculum that I combine. I also have a computer program. So, I just use what I have. They always have some sort of bible story or lesson from the bible. We share prayer requests and then spend some time in prayer before we begin each school day. Sometimes, I teach out of a book I am reading if they contain some simple lessons that can be adapted to children. This is a great time for children to learn how to pray, how to study the word of God and how to memorize it. We spend 10 minutes a day on memory. Many times, it is learning scripture. The Bible Story Hour
HEALTH- We added a health book in one year with Abeka. It was a good idea I think. We talked about some basic things you cover as a parent anyway, but it's a fun little work book.
MEMORY- We learn Psalm 23, Ephesians 6 and all the grammar poems along with reviewing our Mission Statement.
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