
Tell Your Time

I just finished a book..all in ONE day! Well, it was an easy read and only 30 pages long, so I have nothing to brag about, but SERIOUSLY!! It was a GREAT book.

One thing I continually bring to God is how I need help with time management. With a husband, 4 kids, homeschooling, trying to keep the house semi decent, couponing with ferocity to save and stockpile, keeping my blog current (thank you very much for being here by the way!), doing some home remodeling, fundraising for my missions trip and then trying to keep up with 600 plus friends on facebook...you get the picture :) NOT. ENOUGH. TIME. IN. THE. DAY!!

And then there was "TELL YOUR TIME" by Amy Lynn Andrews.

Okay, I do know her, but that is not why I am telling you about this book. It's just really practical and it's RIGHT on time for me :) No pun intended...well maybe. If you think it was funny, it was and if not...it was an oversight.

Either way, this book is chalk full of what will happen if you don't get your time under control, how to get it under control in really simple ways and then of course, the materials to make it happen. LOVE IT!

The book is only $4.99! You can have it at your fingertips instantly via computer. THEN, if you go through my link, she will pay me half the book price for referring it. :) ALL of that money will go to pay for my missions trip to Nepal where we will be climbing the Himalayan Mountains to an unreached people group and sharing the gospel with them while providing medical services. Is that not great for both of us??

SO...what are you waiting for? TIME is of the essence...I want to go to Nepal because people need to hear what we have to say and YOU need to get your time under control...well, if you are like me you do ;)

THANKS for going through my link!! If you love the book, you can be an affiliate too and use the money to go to Switzerland if you want or you could use it on a trip to Siberia, but I don't suggest that. Now that is funny if you read the book.

You can click below to visit her site and purchase her book!
Click here to visit Amy Lynn Andrews.

(UPDATE- The updated version is now available. I have not read the new and improved, but the older version was great! So, I can confidently recommend her new version. Also, my trip to Nepal is completed. Thank you to those who bought and contributed :) The link is still an affiliate link.)


  1. Thanks so much for the shout-out Tammy!

  2. What an accomplishment! WOW!

    Thanks for stopping by today. So happy to be connected with you now!

  3. What a great idea! My son is raising funds for a mission trip to Africa this summer. Did you write a post on your trip? I'd LOVE to read about it! And I'm buying the book. :-) Definitely know about not having enough time.

  4. Thanks Melanie. No, I haven't written one yet. I really should. It was a fantastic trip that really reminded us of what is important and what we are called to be and do as a family. I will think about making a post. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you enjoy Amy's book!


Wait! Don't leave just yet, I haven't heard from you :)I promise not to make you do a word verification.