
Taking the Unity Thing One Step Further

Last week, I highlighted an idea we had implemented in order to continue building unity in our family. We assigned a person's name to each person in the family,shared our prayer requests together and then committed to pray for that person all week.

I wanted to give you another idea to take it up a notch. It's hard for little ones and sometimes BIG ones to remember to pray for others. We wanted to keep the idea fresh in their minds by placing those requests on 3x5 cards and putting them in a basket on our dinner table. Each meal, when we pray over our meal, we draw one card from the pile and include those requests in our meal time prayer. These are 3 reminders a day for our children to remember to pray for their assigned person.

My kids love doing this. We meet together on Sunday nights in our living room to write our requests down, place them in a hat, draw one out and then each take turns praying for one anothers needs. I love how this builds unity. I love how my kids not only put their needs on their 3x5 card, but they include the needs of their brothers and sisters from LAST week as their own need this week. I love that my kids pray for me and their dad as well. I love how that builds respect! I also love how my oldest who has my name this week, not only prayed the requests on my card, but also added details and another request she knew I had that I had forgotten about. She is a jewel! They all are and SO are your children. Give them a chance to shine, give them a chance to love each other in prayer. What a way to instill honor in our kids for their parents and for one another.

Are you going to try this with your family? What can it hurt? A few answered prayers and a little more love around the table...sounds like a WIN WIN from my view point.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing it. Prayer is becoming more prominent in my life, and I am excited about this idea that would encourage my children in their prayer life as well. Blessings!


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