
This too Shall Pass, Make it Count

Building family unity is a central theme of this blog. Our family accomplishes that through different ways, one of which is through homeschooling, but you don't have to homeschool to build your family into the solid team it was intended to be.

As a team leader, you are responsible for motivating your team to move together in unison. You were put with your spouse for a reason. You were given your children for a purpose. It's a purpose that goes way beyond surviving from one day to the next. It is more than your children fighting in the background while you and your husband are stressing about bills. Take a deep breath, this too shall pass, right? You know what else will pass? Those precious teaching moments with your kids will flee away like the wind, never to be grasped again. Be sure to seize every opportunity to build family unity. Though the moments pass quickly, the end result will last for generations.

Ephesians says,
" Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,  making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.  Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. "

How can we build unity with each other that defies the culture? One way is to give each of your children the name of one of their siblings to pray for each week. They could draw a name from a hat or you could assign it to them when you meet each night to pray with each other. What is so wonderful about this is that it allows the family to first share with each other their needs. Secondly, it allows the children to not be so self focused. They begin to empathize with the one they are praying for. When I was a teenager, my mom told me to be careful if I was going to be praying for a guy that might be considered a  "bad boy". Though he needed prayer, my mom warned me that I could start to have feelings for him. She had a good point. You begin to care deeply about people that you spend a lot of time in prayer for. I want my kids to love each other deeply. I want them to empathize with each other and I want them to see the fruit of their prayers when they see God answer. That is powerful. It creates unity. Many things create unity in a family, but for today....motivate your children to pray for each other as they come to mind. Have them share their needs with each other. It will be well worth your time.


  1. What a beautiful post. God does grow love in our hearts for those that we pray for! How beautiful it is that we can help our children love each other more deeply by praying for one another...

  2. I love the idea of an assigned prayer subject each week. We routinely pray for one another, but not with intensity of focus that can come from drawing a name weekly. Thank you for this brilliant idea!

    Came from the Hip Homeschool Hop.

  3. Building family unity is such a beautiful thing. I can honestly say that we have a wonderful family unity that I can attribute mostly to homeschooling. Sure, we were a 'family' before homeschooling, but the closeness we found by being together and
    inviting God into our home daily in prayer before our school day starts has changed us profoundly as a family unit. Before, we were all running our seperate ways. Now we are together as a whole and I am so thankful for that.
    Beautiful post - wonderful advice to follow.

    Happy Hip Homeschool Hop Day! :)

  4. You know, that is such a simple thing, but I think it could be so effective. You are right to say that it's hard not to love a person you're praying for - and so, what better than to have love and prayer coming together in our children.
    Thank you so much for this x

  5. I love your idea of siblings specifically praying for each other! As I sit and think about how the prayers I've offered up on behalf of others changes my heart toward them, I wonder why didn't I think of this :) Thank you!

  6. Visiting from HHH. What a great post!


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