
1000 Good Books

We are trying to give our 11th grader a quality American Literature class, but I am not thrilled with the books that are considered classic. Most seem to focus on characters that are involved with adultery, murder, psychosis, or suicide. I am not saying every book has to be Little House on the Prairie, but I would like to see some books that are uplifting and interesting at the same time. Are they out there? Well, I found a site that says they are. Here you will find a list of 1000 books, categorized by age. Enjoy!

The criteria we used to judge inclusion are: Does the book have literary value? Does the book re-emphasize a Biblical worldview or the Judeo-Christian heritage in some way? Does the book teach, through whatever means, what is moral or just or true? Does the book encourage to love and good works? Does the book exemplify warmth, tenderness, courage, humor, and other values and characteristics that we desire our children to be exposed to? Does the book nourish the intellect and fire the imagination? Does the book cross age barriers to be enjoyed by all?
The Bible, the best of the good books and the greatest of the great books, is the backbone of this good books / great books list. The books listed are offered in addition to the Bible, but certainly never in replacement of it.


1 comment:

  1. Dear Turkana,

    My name is Austin Pruitt and I was homeschooled for 11 years. I’m currently
    working on a book about the power of homeschooling called “The Homeschool
    Revolution”. I live in Dallas, TX and the book will be co-authored by me
    and Dr. Nancy Josephson Phd, a homeschool pioneer in New York.

    The book will be featuring interviews with the most highly respected
    leaders and voices in the homeschool community. Obviously, we would love to
    feature your thoughts on homeschooling in the book!

    Would you be interested in scheduling a brief 15 minute interview over the
    phone or through Skype?

    Email me at: TheHomeschoolRevolution@gmail.com
    Also, feel free to call my cell at (214) 478 3639

    Most sincerely,
    Austin Pruitt


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