

Let's face it - Mondays can be hard. The kids just don't seem to want to start school for the week and our stress levels can reach a high before noon.

MadLib Mondays is here to help! 

What is it? 

A weekly Link-Up for you AND your kids.

What to do: 

1.  Anytime during the week, hop over here and copy the MadLib that my daughter has written to your blog. Take the whole week for your kids to work on it, but have it ready to post by the following Monday.

2.Show up on Mondays (beginning at 6:00 a.m. CST) and post the link to your MadLib post using our link up tool.

3. Allow your kids to visit the other linked up blogs and see what their kids came up with. Same story-totally different experience. Let your kids leave comments on others posts.

4. If you and your kids enjoy it, spread the word about MadLib Mondays via Twitter, Facebook, or any of your favorite networking sites.

5. The next day, Tuesday, a NEW MadLib will be posted to work on for the upcoming Monday. Come back and repeat steps 1-4. :)

Let's put some laughter back into Mondays! 

Has anyone ever told you about the time a country produced the largest burrito?

It was a very adjective day. Same country created a burrito that was number with unit of measurement tall! They put everything possible on it! From noun(s) to noun(s). Then from animal(s) to bug(s). Exclamation!

People came from all over the world to see it. Male Celebrity also came, but nobody even paid attention to him because the burrito was so adjective.

 One day, the makers of the burrito said that if somebody could ever eat fraction of the burrito, they would be given a noun as a prize. Person after person tried.

The challenge was so big, that even celebrities started pouring in to try. Celebrity, Celebrity, and even Celebrity tried. Nobody could even come close until...male cartoon character showed up. He verb(ed) and verb(ed) until his noun grew number times the size it was originally!

In the end, he finished the challenge and was given the noun(prize from above). He was so emotion that he had won! It was a adjective day that we will always remember.  


  1. Oh man!! This sounds like a great idea, I love it! Wish I'd come across this earlier. =(
    If you do it again (and ya know, remind us on Twitter and Facebook) I'll try to join in. =) Happy Monday! (Almost Tuesday!)

  2. Thank you! I hope you will come back. I plan on doing it for awhile to see if it catches on. For now, everyone will have a week to get it ready. You can just use this MadLib and work on it over the next week. Just time your post to go live next Monday and then come by and link up here :)I am so glad to know it sounds like a good idea to you :) Thanks for telling me.


Wait! Don't leave just yet, I haven't heard from you :)I promise not to make you do a word verification.