
Total Yearbooks Giveaway

Since you homeschool, let me ask you a question. Do your kids sometimes become discontented with being homeschooled because they are missing out on some of the traditions of public school, like let's say...yearbooks? I know my oldest has expressed disappointment that her public school friends get to have a year book and it feels so "unfair". I get that. So when Total Yearbooks gave me this opportunity, I jumped at it. Now I can happily say to my children that having a yearbook is no longer just for the lives of her PS friends...we can have it too! Isn't homeschooling grand?

Would you like a chance to receive a gift certificate to make your own? Hop on over to Hip Homeschool Moms to read the rest of my review and to enter for your chance to win! 

*UPDATE* We have a winner! Congratulations to Lucy Wilson!
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