
Homeschooling is not for Cowards

For all those parents out there that say, "I could never homeschool!", I have proved you wrong today.

Today was a bad day. I am thankful we survived it, so it wasn't all bad, but I do not like who I became under so much stress. I sat there thinking...this is how people think they would feel if they homeschooled and why they won't give it a whirl. Well, I felt like they do, but I stuck it out and my kids still love me...I think. I know I still love them. I also know that I learned a lot about infinitives, participles and verbals and diagramming things that were never meant to be diagrammed! I refreshed my memory on 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quartiles and decided that 7th grade math is getting really hard..not the quartiles, that's easy, but the fact that when I tell her something incorrectly and then have to back track after I see the solutions manual, I get a wee bit embarrassed.

Secondly, even though the the study load was heavy today, I was tired. On top of that, we had to correct some behavioral issues. Some were worse than others, but I felt completely drained by 9 pm. I was struggling to do simple pint to quart conversions. And THAT was another thing. We were still doing math at 9 pm. In fact, I just sat down about an hour ago and it's 11 pm now.

So, yes, homeschooling is intimidating. It is sometimes beyond my current knowledge. It does cause me to never have a break it seems and so I sometimes raise my voice in frustration at the kids when they are just being kids. I wish I could go back and have a redo of today.

Even though I started my day out in prayer, I should've been more specific in my prayer time. I should have  focused more on how I am as a mom and teacher. My patience, my love and understanding, my forgiveness, my passions should all be lifted up to God a little more in depth. I should speak  to God about each of my children more individually. I should specify their weak areas in their life that drive me silly some days. I should let God have those burdens before I have a chance to latch them to myself and then run all over my kids for giving them to me.

Tomorrow, we try again. Isn't that just like the grace of God? There are always do overs when we walk with Him.

So, I encourage you if you ever have days like me. It's normal. It's okay. Give it to God. Start over.

Now...back to the plan to savor every moment...like the blog under this says. I should read that everyday!

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